Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Sixteen-year-old Katie and Drew really shouldn't get along. After all, her father is the Republican nominee for President of the United States while his mother is at the top of the Democratic ticket. But when Katie and Drew are thrown together...
Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no! May is almost over and that means only one thing: Petal's month is about to begin. For most people, this would be a good thing. They would look forward to discovering their gift and their power. But not our dear Petal. As far as Petal is concerned, it could stay May forever.
At least the sisters have some excitement in their future: The wedding of Aunt Martha and Uncle George will bring them, the Petes,
...The Sisters Eight are back in a new adventure! This time, Georgia gets her chance to be the hero—if she doesn't completely mess things up!
In the first two installments of the Sisters Eight, we met the sisters (octuplets) and their eight cats. We discovered Mommy and Daddy disappeared (or died) and that to find out what happened to them, each girl must discover her power and gift. Annie and Durinda both found theirs. We also learned
Rebecca's the tough one, always chastising the other Eights for not bucking up when trouble arises. But how will she fare when it's her turn to face her power?
What kids are saying about the Sisters Eight:
"The Sisters 8 is really suspenseful and funny. I can't wait for the next one!" —Indrani, age 10
"I love the Sisters 8 series because I love mysteries. My cousins, friends, and my sister and I like to play the Sisters 8
It's the final book! Each of the Eights has received her power and gift and they even know where Daddy is—inside a snowglobe-shaped Christmas tree ornament. Now all they have to do is get inside the ornament and rescue Daddy. Hopefully, Mommy's in there with him.
For heaven's sake, how are they supposed to shrink all of them (plus the cats!) down to a size small enough to fit in the globe and then actually get inside it? Of course, through
The penultimate episode in the Sisters Eight saga!
Finally! Zinnia's turn has arrived. The poor girl has been waiting for her time in the spotlight quite long enough. Really, it would be cruel to make her wait any longer. What will her power and her gift be? Will either of them prove to be as much of a doozy as she has been hoping for? There's only one way to find out: Let her story begin. It's finally Zinnia Time!
You must see the problem here. Eight little girls on their own, no mommy or daddy to take care of them....
In this humorous series, eight sisters must fend for themselves when their parents strangely vanish. But now they must handle another taxing mystery.
Jackie’s turn! Book four in this exciting series!
April has finally arrived. How lucky of Jackie to have such a lovely month to tell her story. It starts off with fun and laughter on April Fool’s Day, and then all the beautiful flowers start to bloom and then . . .
Questions! Questions! Questions! The Sisters Eight have so many questions and so few answers! Luckily, one more month means one more Eight will discover her power and her gift, which means they're one step closer to discovering what happened to Mommy and Daddy on New Year's Eve.
Marcia's month is about to begin. You remember Marcia, right? The sensible one? The one who would never do anything . . . crazy?
Ten-year-old Mamie's class is given an assignment to write letters to the astronauts. All the girls write to Neil Armstrong ("So cute!") and all the boys write to Buzz Aldrin ("So cool!"). Only Mamie writes to Michael Collins, the astronaut who will come so close but never achieve everyone else's dream of walking...
A rather large problem has befallen the Huit girls. (Sisters, actually. Octuplets to be exact.) One particular New Year's Eve, the girls wait for their mommy to bring them hot chocolate and their daddy to return with more wood for the fire. But they don't. Mommy and Daddy, that is. They're gone. Poof! Maybe dead—no one knows for sure.
You must see the problem here. Eight little girls on their own, no mommy or daddy to take care of them.