Michael Edwards
One in fourteen young Australians (7%) aged 4-17 experienced an anxiety disorder.
These figures only get worse as our girls age with one in three women in Australia experiencing anxiety.
This indispensable guide will provide the tools to raising a girl who is happy and confident. Because when you raise a girl who...
Controversies in politics arise from many sources, but the conlficts that endure for generations or centuries show a remarkably consistent pattern.
In this book, which the author calls a "culmination of thirty years of work in the history of ideas," Sowell attempts to explain the ideological difference between liberals and conservatives as a disagreement over the moral potential inherent in nature. Those who see that potential as limited
...Approved by the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787, the US Constitution was to become law only if ratified by nine of the thirteen states then comprising the United States. The eighty-five letters in support of the Constitution collected here have become recognized as the most important political science work ever written in the United States. Written primarily by Hamilton, assisted by Madison and Jay, these essays are considered to
...Bringing Up Boys Who Like Themselves will give you more clarity and peace of mind about:
1. How to give your boy the skills and confidence to resist peer pressure and the influence of unhealthy masculinity
2. The most effective way to stand up for himself without resorting...