Emily Belle Freeman
You've read the Book of Mormon before, but maybe you've missed these oft overlooked but short, powerful verses. Explore the significance of one verse from each chapter this year with Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler, whose love for the scriptures is contagious. Along with short devotional-style lessons, their invitations will lead you to a more meaningful, personal study of the Book of Mormon and vibrant discussions with your family and friends
...Each of us will experience moments when we find ourselves fervently seeing the healing, the hope, and the grace that only Christ can bring.
Beloved writer and speaker Emily Freeman seeks to help each of us find the peace that comes through the Savior. Sometimes you just need a place to start, a reminder of how near the Lord is—a little bit of hope. Combining her two best-selling books 21 Days Closer to Christ and Becoming His
...So it is today. When we invite Jesus into our homes, we will also be blessed...
Create. Gather. Give.
The gathering home invites people in, instills a sense of belonging. It is an expression of love, the art of hospitality.
Inside The Gathering Home, you will find stories, ideas, and resources to help you plan intentional gatherings. Bring the Spirit of Christ into your everyday gatherings and weekly rhythms by creating deliberate celebrations and seasonal gatherings for your family, friends, and neighbors. Whether
...Along with tens of thousands of others who don't want to miss enlightening scripture insights, enjoy a new approach to studying the New Testament! Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler, hosts of the popular YouTube scripture-study channel Don't Miss This, explore the significance of one verse from each chapter of the New Testament, showing you how to dig deep and find personal application of God's word. Paired with short, devotional-style lessons,
...Discover how each figure of the Nativity can lead your family closer to Christ this Christmas season. This children's edition of Celebrating a Christ-Centered Christmas will guide you through seven meaningful traditions inspired by the Nativity setting. These simple experiences are not meant to add more to an already crowded holiday season but to offer something different. They will give your family an opportunity to escape from the frantic
...Drawing from beloved scriptural accounts and writing in the lyrical style of Even This, Emily Belle Freeman shares her understanding of how Jesus will meet you where you are, as you are, but He doesn't intend to leave you there. Instead, the Savior offers divine grace to heal wounds and elevate souls.
Grace Where You Are is filled with inspired scripture, gentle moments of reflection and meditation, and opportunities for personal
...On the last night of his life, Hyrum Smith folded down the corner of a page in the Book of Mormon and marked on verse: "I prayed unto the Lord that he would give unto the Gentiles grace, that they might have charity" (Ether 12:36).
What does grace have to do with charity? How does receiving one lead to gaining the other? Scripture tells us that charity is a love that causes us to lay down our lives for someone. A greater love. A love that we
..."Have a good day" is practically a mantra in our society. But no one reminds us to see good days. What would change if we took as our motto the scriptural phrase "Love life, and see good days" (1 Peter 3:10)?
"I believe it would be life changing," writes Emily Freeman. "I believe it would lead to more happiness. But how is it done?"
In this "handbook of happy thoughts," Emily invites us to explore some of the scriptures she found on
...Previously titled The Christ-Centered Home, this revised edition supports the new Come, Follow Me curriculum.
In the hectic scramble of a world that asks us to do everything, be everyone, and make it all look easy, we often lose track of the experiences that really matter most—quiet moments in our homes with our families when we feel the peace of Jesus Christ.
The lessons Jesus taught in the homes of His followers were simple.
...Do you need a miracle? Most of us experience unmet needs at one time or another. Perhaps you are lonely and long for an abundance of love. Maybe you suffer from an illness and long for an abundance of health. Some may long for an abundance of peace, or an abundance of comfort. Others may find that they long for an abundance of time or an abundance of joy.
Welcome to a spiritual journey that will lead you to realize that the Lord is aware of you
...You've read the Doctrine and Covenants before, but Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler, hosts of the popular YouTube scripture-study channel Don't Miss This, have created a new approach that will change the way you read your scriptures. These great teachers, whose love for the scriptures is contagious, explore the significance of one verse from each section of the Doctrine and Covenants, showing you how to dig deep and find personal application
..."Papa, what should I dream about?" the young shepherd boy asks his father. "Dream about the Messiah, the One who is coming, One worth watching for." That night and throughout the next day, Micah's father shares signs of the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah, along with a symbol that the boy places in his shepherd's bag to help him watch for that wondrous birth. One night, Micah's father awakens him to help with the birth of a new lamb. Then,