Robert L Millet
We often talk about our Savior Jesus Christ and God the Father, but how much do we really know about the Holy Ghost, the third member of the Godhead? On the other hand, can we imagine doing anything in the Church without the guidance or influence of the Holy Ghost? The Holy Spirit is intimately involved in every aspect and facet of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is, for example, a revelator, teacher, testifier, comforter, agent of the new birth,
...Exercising faith isn’t always easy to do. In a world where religion is being pushed to the margins of society, we find loyalty to scriptural teachings, adherence to time-honored values, and belief in absolute truths in short supply.
When respected religious educator and author Robert L. Millet talks with those who are troubled by newly public historical information, anti-Mormon propaganda, the Church's position on marriage, family, and
...LDS Beliefs is a landmark publication at a time in the Church's history when it is vital for members to know their religion for themselves and be able to explain the major teachings of Mormonism to persons not of our faith. This book is written to Latter-day Saints and is intended to serve as an essential reference, a doctrinal primer on our beliefs. With entries on nearly 400 topics, it has a conversational tone, a cordial and inviting spirit,
...Difficult questions will inevitably be asked of Church members, both by sincere seekers after truth and by people whose motives are to tear down the kingdom of God. In Getting at the Truth, Robert L. Millet demonstrates that we can reach out and build bridges of understanding with those of other beliefs without compromising what we know to be true. Our responsibility to be a leavening influence in society means we cannot completely avoid
...How much do we really know about the time when Christ will come in glory to cleanse the earth by fire? And what will life really be like during the Millennium?
After anticipating the return of the Savior with Living in the Eleventh Hour, readers can learn more about what follows. Relying on the words of ancient and latter-day prophets, Robert L. Millet shares what has been revealed about Christ's preliminary appearances, His return in
...Just as the scriptures teach us that the Second Coming of the Lord will be "at midnight" (Matthew 25:6), so the signs of the times teach us that "midnight" is close at hand.
In Living in the Eleventh Hour, author Robert L. Millet points our minds and hearts toward the future—to the glorious day that lies ahead. This encouraging work not only assists us a Latter-day Saints to recognize and better understand the signs of the times
...Appearing some 220 times, the word remember is one of the most-used verbs in the entire Book of Mormon. But what are we to remember, and how are we to apply it to our lives? In light of the deep significance of the book's teachings and imperatives, Remember, Remember: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon focuses almost exclusively on the doctrine illuminated within the pages of the scripture known as the keystone of our religion.
...We all yearn for regular, meaningful communication with our Father in Heaven. And because he knows and loves us perfectly, he has provided an amazing vehicle by which we can converse with him, a means by which we can tap the deepest wellsprings of his knowledge, comfort, strength, and love. That divine process is prayer, and it can make all the difference in our lives. As author Robert L. Millet observes, "Rewarding prayer is more than ritual an
...10) Grace Works
In this inspirational volume, Brother Millet shows us the fine harmony that exists between grace and works in the doctrines of salvation taught by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He explains how obeying the commandments, partaking of the ordinances of the gospel, and serving our fellow beings—in short, our works—resonate with Christ's mercy and grace in our lives. After All We Can Do: Grace Works goes beyond explaining
...This book is written to anyone (young or old) who has experienced doubts or who wants a stronger testimony of the gospel. In more than thirty years as a religious educator, Brother Millet has spent hundreds of hours meeting with people who wrestle with questions. He has observed what kinds of attitudes and habits undermine testimony and which ones engender steadfast hope and faith. Out of that experience, he has distilled principles that will help
...Men of Valor
"If ever there was a time, if ever there was a season, if ever there was a cause that cried out for men of purpose and men of purity to step forward and draw upon the powers of heaven, it is today." So writes author Robert L. Millet.
This inspirational book uplifts and encourages the men of the Church, helping us to recognize the opportunities the priesthood brings to bless and enrich the lives of those around us.
...13) Men of God
From bestselling author and scholar Robert L. Millet, this book is for the beloved sons of our Heavenly Father—husbands, fathers, sons, ministers, and friends—who have chosen to commit their hearts and lives to living the gospel and following our Savior, Jesus Christ.
In today's world, it's easy for men to become distracted or confused about their divine worth, purpose, and mission. But those who have chosen to bear the holy priesthood
...In this thoughtful volume and with his warm, accessible style, author Robert L. Millet shares poignant stories and fresh scriptural and doctrinal insights to help us feel our Savior's love and realize that He stands ready to assist us in coming to know Him.
Making Sense of the Book of Revelation represents a distillation of insights Brother Millet has gained from thirty years of teaching the New Testament. This book serves as a concise guide to help readers focus on what matters most—the doctrine. Modern revelation, not a knowledge of history, languages, and symbolism alone, is the key to making sense of the Apocalypse. The book of Revelation is meant to be understood, treasured, and applied
...In Lost and Found, Robert L. Millet provides a fascinating and thorough look at the powerful parable of the prodigal son. The book includes rich historical detail and invaluable cultural background, as well as a verse-by-verse (sometimes phrase-by-phrase) commentary that enables the reader to fully understand the parable. It outlines in memorable fashion how this New Testament story helps us better understand the plan of salvation and identifies
...Many would consider Paul to be the greatest missionary of all time, but it is what he taught, in both his sermons and his epistles, that is truly priceless. And yet, many Latter-day Saints find Paul's writings difficult to fully understand. Becoming New focuses on distinctive doctrinal truths found in Paul's teachings, including insights from the Prophet Joseph Smith and other modern-day prophets.
Robert L. Millet has shared Paul's
...Robert L. Millet provides hope for families with wayward children by focusing on the scriptural and prophetic promises to those who have received the blessings of the gospel covenant. Wandering children and the trail of attendant sorrows are no respecter of persons. These make their way into the families of the rich and poor, active, and less active, functional and dysfunctional. This book faces head-on the reality that sometimes things simply
...When Ye Shall Receive these Things is a beautiful collection of selected passages from the Book of Mormon with insightful commentary by two respected gospel scholars and teachers. Now beloved for over a decade, the teachings in the book are as timely and thoughtful as ever for your personal Book of Mormon study. Authors Lloyd D. Newell and Robert L. Millet serve as guides on a scriptural tour from 1 Nephi through Moroni. A verse of scripture