Matt Richtel
National Bestseller
"Gives you all the context you need to understand the science of immunity. ... An Elegant Defense left me with [a] sense of awe." —Bill Gates, Gates Notes Summer Reading List
The Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times journalist "explicates for the lay reader the intricate biology of our immune system" (Jerome Groopman, MD, New York Review of Books)
..."MICHAEL CRICHTON meets STEPHEN KING at their finest ... with the creepiest opening I've ever read." — Lisa Gardner * "Joins the ranks of classic paranoid thrillers about human achievement run amok, with STEPHEN KING's The Stand and Michael Crichton's Terminal Man." — Joseph Finder * "A heart-stopping thriller. ... a must-read for MICHAEL CRICHTON fans." — Dallas Morning News * "Similar in atmosphere and style to MICHAEL
...From Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Matt Richtel, a brilliant, narrative-driven exploration of technology's vast influence on the human mind and society, dramatically-told through the lens of a tragic "texting-while-driving" car crash that claimed the lives of two rocket scientists in 2006.
In this ambitious, compelling, and beautifully written book, Matt Richtel, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the New York Times, examines