Toni Sorenson
From bestselling author Toni Sorenson comes a captivating account of the beloved Old Testament story of Ruth and Naomi. Ruth and Naomi: Whithersoever Thou Goest is the inspiring tale of two women's matchless devotion, envisioned as never before. It is a time of famine and despair in the land: crops are failing, idol-worship is widely practiced, and those who follow the God of Israel are cruelly oppressed. Israel's defeat at the hands of Moab has
...2) Peter
He healed the lame. He walked on water alongside the Savior. His tale is the rock upon which countless numbers have built their convictions. As Christ's chief apostle, the account of Simon Peter's discipleship—as well as his faltering faith—has been well chronicled. Yet there is much more to the story, for Peter's experiences did not begin and end during the mortal ministry of Jesus Christ. They spanned a lifetime of devotion. In this
...My name will mean nothing to you, but my story is a re-telling of the greatest story ever told and should mean everything to everyone. If you interpret my words as fiction and fiction only, you will miss out on truths that are both historical and spiritual. Search the scriptures. There you will find evidence of my existence recorded in ancient sacred writ, overlooked for millennia. My story comes forth now because now is the promised day when satanic
...The Atonement of Jesus Christ is our hope that life can get better... that we can get better. To find strength in our struggles, it is vital to look to the One who understands our pains and afflictions, the One who never forsakes us. Christ atoned for our sins, but what does that really mean, and how can we harness the relief He provides? The answer to this question and many others is made simple in When the Atonement Becomes Personal.
...Many of us remember our divine nature only when life's blessings smile down on us. But God's love for His children transcends all trials and trying times. No matter what we are going through, joy is possible for all of us. There are many things in this world that cause us to become discouraged and depressed, but we can make the choice to be happy regardless of our circumstances. Just as Adam and Eve chose to fall "that men might be," we, too, must
...10) Of these emblems
The Sabbath provides refreshment, renewal, and spiritual protection for all who will obediently participate. As we keep this sacred day holy, we become holy ourselves, little by little.
—Dennis C. Gaunt
The powerful principle of appropriate Sabbath-day worship is vital to the happiness and eternal progression of the Lord's children. However, the call to keep the Sabbath holy can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and visions of lengthy