The New York Times Editorial Staff
The contemporary definition of "political correctness" did not begin to enter the cultural consciousness of Americans until the 1980s. Allan Bloom's criticism of higher education in The Closing of the American Mind sparked a conflict that has been continually discussed, satirized, and rehashed. With the election of President Trump in 2016 came a reenergized attack on P.C. culture, and a new wave of cultural critique in film, television, comedy,
...One of the major issues occupying today's headlines is immigration, and especially, who should be allowed to come to the United States and who should be forced to leave through the process of deportation. Exploring this issue means not only looking at the experiences of immigrants, but also the repercussions of barring certain groups of people on the basis of religion or fear. From building a wall between Mexico and the United States, to the fate
...Student loans. Medical bills. Mortgages. The national deficit. Debt touches so many parts of American life, from the individual citizen to the United States as a whole. A complex issue, debt can be alternately beneficial, such as when building credit, or it can do irreparable damage to a person's credit score, housing prospects, lifestyle, and more. The articles collected in this volume trace the issues that affect students, consumers, corporate
...The rise of social media has significantly altered the landscape of governance and political participation. Social media platforms have become venues for politicians to interact directly with the public, and for the public to respond with their own perspectives on the news. The highly participatory nature of social media, however, means it can also be an unreliable news source, rapidly spreading disinformation or hate speech. Users are often selective
...American politics have become increasingly polarized over the past several decades. As the two primary parties have moved further apart, so have those whose beliefs fall on the extremes of the political spectrum. This book features articles that examine the ideas and actions of political extremists from across the spectrum, ranging from single-issue groups like Second Amendment and anti-abortion radicals, to larger movements such as anti-government
...As the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the right to bear arms may be considered a founding tenet of American life. The expression of that right, however, has generated no end of debate. The association of guns with injury, murder, suicide, and accidents has prompted activists and lawmakers alike to propose and pass regulations about who can buy guns and how they can be used. While one segment of the population wants to ban guns altogether,
...According to Forbes Magazine, there are more than 500 billionaires in the United States, ranging from tech moguls to hedge fund managers and CEOs. This collection of articles profiles the lives and influence of some of America's best-known billionaires including Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, the Koch brothers, the DeVos family, and Robert Mercer. Readers explore the powers afforded to those who have accumulated vast amounts of wealth,
...The subject of identity politics has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. In this collection of topical articles, readers will become familiar with a wide range of opinions and news concerning individual and group identities that form around race, sexual orientation, gender, political party affiliation, and more. The political usefulness of certain identities is explored, with a particular focus on the 2016 presidential election and the
...Hunting is one of America's oldest pastimes, considered a part of American identity and a way of connecting with the natural world. The practice is also connected to a range of other issues, including wildlife conservation, indigenous rights, animal welfare, and gun violence. This collection of articles showcases the ample contributions of sportsmanship to American life, while also exploring the sometimes destructive role it can play. As attitudes
...Several years before the revelations around sexual harassment and misconduct in Hollywood sparked the #metoo movement, colleges and universities across America were reeling from a series of assaults that challenged the way sexual consent had been taught. The articles collected here detail the evolution of the debate, from individual cases that captured national attention to the implementation of California's Affirmative Consent law. Beyond highlighting
...Many popular social media websites and apps have one thing in common: celebrities looking to be worshipped. These social influencers come from all walks of life, and cater to young demographics with content including comedy routines, make-up advice, product reviews, and music videos. Watched by millions of viewers worldwide, they create diversion, provide commentary, endorse brands, and sometimes inspire the wrath of governments. With the aid of
...The stories we tell about war tend to glorify it, with clear heroes and villains who direct war by abstract strategy. The reality of war, especially in its 21st century form, is best understood in its effects on everyday people. Though these people often do not choose war, they are exposed to its unthinkable outcomes: massacre, torture, rape, famine, displacement. By focusing on the victims, this volume challenges our often comfortable distance
...For decades, the American criminal justice system has followed a "tough on crime" model. That's starting to change, following increased criticism of prisons and policing. One model for reform has become especially prominent: restorative justice. Restorative justice prioritizes community-led reconciliation between victim and offender. Based on indigenous practices and motivated by inequities in our current system, restorative justice is premised
...As social media and other internet platforms develop and connect users in increasingly unique ways, the opportunities for cyberbullying to occur on those platforms develop as well. The demographics for cyberbullying are diverse too, including everyone from young teens to celebrities who are more used to public scrutiny. In this collection of articles, readers will discover how news coverage of cyberbullying has evolved, and how law enforcement,
...Recently, activist athletes have challenged expectations of how players should conduct themselves. While we love to see athletes with big personalities and flashy lifestyles, the response can be less enthusiastic when athletes make bold political statements. The articles in this volume show how common activist athletes truly are. Some use their platform to speak on social conflict, while others fight to improve their working conditions. Some LGBTQ
...The debate over the ethics of assisted suicide has raged for the better part of a century. From Dr. Jack Kevorkian's controversial practices to international euthanasia laws, there is nothing easy about the decision to end a life. The articles in this book speak to the legal battles, the historical context, and the personal stories that shed light on the various perspectives and conflicts that go into understanding the current state and future
...17) Tech Addiction
The digital world is omnipresent. The rise of the Internet, smartphones, video games, and dating apps have provided people with more information, entertainment, and communication than ever before. While technology continues to develop at breakneck speed, its results are not always positive. Addiction to the tech world has resulted in serious mental health problems, overuse injuries, privacy challenges, and worry on the part of parents and other
...Due to their affordability, versatility, and relatively easy production, plastics are used in a variety of products of all different scales, from household goods to computers to airplanes. Advancements in chemical technology following World War I catalyzed innovations in the industry, with mass production beginning in the 1940s. Since the earliest days of production, environmentalists have questioned the sustainability of plastic, and voiced the
...The temptation to enhance athletes' performance with substances is great when fame, money, and national pride are involved. From the early days of professional sports, both human and animal athletes have tried to improve their strength and endurance with a range of steroids, hormones, and other drugs. Antidoping regulations established by every conceivable sport seek to ensure fairness on the playing field. Yet deception occurs widely, whether
...Shopping is a pastime ingrained in American life, from the annual Black Friday sales to the rise in prominence of big-box stores such as Target and Walmart. But as customers have shifted to using online merchants such as Amazon, businesses have had to fight to reach consumers. This collection features articles that address trends in consumer culture, explaining the psychology behind what we buy and the significance of consumer habits to the larger